Bare Feats is a shoestring operation. Some of you have the impression that there's a team of scientists in white lab coats holding clipboards and testing products in a large laboratory. The truth is that Bare Feats is a one man test lab run by me, myself, and I (with a little help from my high tech wife, Bettay).
What do we need the money for? Test equipment, freight, web hosting fees, food, gas, etc. Some generous vendors send us loaners (or "keepers"), but Apple Inc, is not one of them. We have to buy or borrow all the Macs we test.
Although we do receive income from display ads and commissions from affiliations, it's not enough to support our effort fully. Those things along with your donations are our primary source of income. That's right. Thanks to your generosity, I'm now able to play Mad Scientist full time.
We also believe in "virtual income." By keeping our overhead low and remaining debt free, the income we receive "feels" like more. We're a "lean mean internet machine."
If you wish to show your gratitude for the information Bare Feats provides and/or want to help support our effort to provide unbiased real world speed test results, you are invited to make a donation.*
Thanks to all of you for all the ways you encourage and support Bare Feats.
* Please note that donations are NOT tax deductible 