Posted 9/18/03 by
mad scientist
Updated 9/19/03 -- More PowerMac G4/1.25 MP (MDD)
Many of you asked
to see more tests comparing the latest PowerBooks
with recent G4 and G5 Power Macs. You wrote me that
you can't decide which to buy to replace your older
I think some of
that confusion is the fault of Apple management
when they announce that PowerBook sales are going
up while Power Mac sales have gone down (second and
third quarters of this year). They've made
statements like "Apple is ahead of the industry in
the transition to portables," and "For more and
more customers these PowerBooks represent no
compromise." The implication is that PowerBooks are
a viable alternative to all desktops including
Power Macs.
"No compromise"?
The PowerBook is all about compromise. Compared to
the newer Power Macs, it has limited clock speed,
limited graphics, limited memory, limited disk
space, and very limited options for expansion. Why?
It has to be small and light. On the other hand,
the G4 and G5 Power Macs offer generous expansion
options. No compromise there.

you can see from the graphs, the PowerBooks lag
behind the newest desktops in speed. If you need a
"professional grade" computer that can get things
done in a hurry, you better hope the PowerBook
isn't your only computer.
not saying the PowerBooks are junk. I love mine.
It's my "Mini Cooper S." But when I have "real
work" to do, I use my Dual G4 "BMW M5" (or soon to
arrive Dual G5 "BMW M6").
As for Power Mac
sales trends, I think they were down because we
were all waiting for the G5. I predict the fourth
quarter earnings will tell a very different story.
The PowerBooks are wonderful and will continue to
sell strong but I doubt if they will steal sales
from the G5 line.
you are a 3D gamer, take a look at how the
PowerBooks do on PAGE