Tomb Raider, Dirt 2, and more
on 2013 Mac Pro versus other Macs
Posted Thursday, January 30th, 2014 by rob-ART morgan, mad scientist
Updated February 12th, 2014, with additional Tomb Raider results
We have never used Tomb Raider's built-in benchmark. So we tried it on a 4-core 2013 Mac Pro with dual FirePro D300 GPUs. And we ran it on the 2013 iMac with GeForce GTX 750M, and several GPUs on the 2010 Mac Pro. Then we added results for Dirt 2, Borderlands, and Diablo III to this mix of GPUs. Enjoy.

RED graph bar means fastest; BLACK is 2013 Mac Pro; GREY bar is all others
12c MP'13 D700s = 2013 Mac Pro 12-core with dual FirePro D700s
6c MP'13 D500s = 2013 Mac Pro 6-core with dual FirePro D500s
4c MP'13 D300s = 2013 Mac Pro 4-core with dual FirePro D300s
6c MP'10 G780 = 2010 Mac Pro 6-core with single GeForce GTX 780
6c MP'10 R7970 = 2010 Mac Pro 6-core with single Radeon HD 7970
6c MP'10 R7950 = 2010 Mac Pro 6-core with single Radeon HD 7950
6c MP'10 G680 = 2010 Mac Pro 6-core with single GeForce GTX 680
6c MP'10 G760 = 2010 Mac Pro 6-core with single GeForce GTX 760
4c iM'13 780M = 2013 iMac 4-core i7 with single GeForce GTX 780M
Feral Interactive Tomb Raider
It conveniently includes a built-in benchmark. This first graph is labeled "NORMAL+" which is NORMAL preset with Texture Quality and Shadow Resolution set to HIGH instead of NORMAL. (HIGHER number means FASTER in Frames per Second.)

Feral Interactive Dirt 2
Resolution at2560x1440; Fullscreen; Vsync Disabled; MSAA Disabled; Graphics Detail Level Ultra; Shadows, Particles, Wind, Crowd, Tessellation, and Cloth Enabled; Ground Cover Blended; Clutter Enabled; Water Update Enabled; Skidmarks Enabled; Dynamic Ambient Occlusion Enabled; Environmental and Vehicle Damage Enabled. (LARGER number means FASTER in Frames per Second.)

Blizzard Diablo III -- "Evil is in its prime."
Our lonely traveler is on the path to adventure stopping occasionally to zap the undead. Settings are 2560x1440 Fullscreen, vSync OFF, High Quality, Anti Aliasing enabled. (HIGHER number means FASTER in Frames per Second.)

If you play games under OS X Mavericks, the new 2013 Mac Pro base model (4-Core, dual FirePro D300s) isn't going to light your fire. But a 2013 Mac Pro with the FirePro D700s will compete with the fastest Mac Pro tower GPUs -- at least in the case of Tomb Raider and Dirt2.
As one reader pointed out, $1000 for the dual D700 upgrade is a stiff price to pay to go 22% faster than the dual D300s running Tomb Raider or 5% faster running Dirt 2. Another way to look at it: for the base 4-core model with D300s, it's a 33% price increase but for the 6-core model with dual D500s, upgrading to the dual D700s is only a 15% price increase.
Keep in mind that only one of the two FirePro GPUs is active when gaming under OS X. If you are a hard-core gamer with a new Mac Pro, you can get even more FPS if you run your games under Windows in a Boot Camp partition and enable CrossFire mode.
For those of you with an 'old' Mac Pro tower you can gain gaming speed with a flashed, faster GPU. And if it is an AMD GPU, you can gain even more speed under Windows in a Boot Camp partition (and enable CrossFire mode).
Comments? Suggestions? Email
, mad scientist.
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